Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Sitting in my Hello Kitty pajamas


I am doing great, just like the last surgery. Maybe because the block is still working. And the best news is that my 13 year old is sick with a fever. So we can just lounge all day in our sick bed, together.

I plan to accomplish a few things today: swim the guinea pig (helps his feet which get dirty and rashy). Order new computer parts for the office. Do my overdue medical records. Write a book. Buy bat mitzvah presents for all our 13 yo friends.  unpack my overnight bag for the hospital. Write a huge batch of long overdue thank yous (like my patient; I did a huge surgery on her foot 3 weeks ago, and somehow, she was able to knit me a prayer blanket before my surgery this week).  So while I might look ambitious with my list, I always have a patient who reminds me how wimpy I am.

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