Friday, November 15, 2013

To do before my surgery

            1. Do big 3 ½ hour surgery today, and hope no complication next week
            2. Get prescriptions filled, oh crap, I forgot to do that one before pharmacy closed
            3. Do all of the laundry so that every family member can find their items next week when my husband's parents are holding down the fort.
            4. Eat friend’s chili which she so kindly brought, despite my being 40 minutes late to my own house to meet her.
            5. Give my 12 year old a haircut so he is not scruffy before my arm returns to usable.
            6. Get stuff for kids lunches for next week, pre-write a note for each so that they know I love them despite being out of commission
            7. Pack hair replacing apparel for the hospital (bandana, warm knitted?)
            8. Channel calm….not my forte
          10. The 6 o'clock news just said 39 days to Christmas. Now I realize there is not enough blog space for the to-do list.

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